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Pakistan’s ISI Has a Message for the Taliban: You Owe Us 

From Jonathan Broder at the reliable SpyTalk. You can’t understand Afghanistan without understanding the role of the Pakistani spy agency known as Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI. Islamabad publicly distanced itself from the Taliban, proclaiming Pakistan a loyal ally in the U.S. war on terror. But the ISI covertly continued its support for the group, giving...

Taylor Moore Down Range

A Perfectly Timed New Spy Thriller 

From SpyTalk For espionage aficionados, Down Range has plenty of battlefield tradecraft and CIA intrigue. But Moore’s story is bigger: It bridges themes of corporate greed and big oil, drug traffickers, compromised businessmen and officials. The protagonist knows failure and regret, but faced with choices of good and evil, he’s looking for the decency that...

US Capitol

Spy Talk: 5 Ways to Read an Intelligence Report 

From the reliable SpyTalk,  retired CIA official Ronald Marks has some commonsense advice for those trying to understand the intelligence process. First of all, do remember it is analysis, not crystal ball gazing. Never in my long history with the CIA  has there been one perfect piece of information that tells the whole story. The...

Imaad Zuberi

Accused Trump Contributor Worked for CIA For Many Years

They call it “graymail:” where a criminal defendant threatens to disclose intelligence connections in open court to discourage or deflect legal prosecution. Imaad Zuberi, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan, is facing 12 years in prison and an $18 million fine on charges related to illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. campaign coffers, both Democrats...

White supremacist insurgency

Let’s Rumble, Pro-Trump Extremists Say 

What’s the threat of violence in the days to come? It’s real. From SpyTalk The ISD also cited an article from the right wing American Thinker, which predicted “all hell to break loose” during the election, which could last for several days or even weeks in some states, due to a slow count of mail-in...

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