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Gina Haspel CIA director speaks

Fact Check: CIA Director Gina Haspel Was Not Arrested, Injured or Found Dead

Reuters debunks a popular social media fantasy about CIA director Gina Haspel. A November 29 Facebook post (flagged as bogus by Facebook) claimed that five special forces troops and a CIA official were killed in the raid and Haspel was flown to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO) where she was treated and “received a tribunal...

Social Media graf

Misinformation 2020 Was Made-in-USA; Russia’s Role Was Tiny

  Just how polluted is the news environment during the 2020 presidential election ? A new study, reporting in DefenseOne, a news platform for the military industrial complex, concludes: Very. The study, by Zignal Labs, is careful to distinguish disinformation–deliberate deceptions–from misinformation–erroneous statements. These falsehoods were consumed by audiences across the country, but unevenly, especially...


The Pro-Trump CIA Man: QAnon Madness and Upward Failure

Michael Scheuer is a pure product of the CIA. A career operations officer, he ran the first agency task force that hunted Osama bin Laden. He authored the agency’s rendition program, which kidnapped suspected terrorists (and sometimes innocent people) and tortured them. He combined a deep knowledge of Islamic jihadist movements with a willingness to...

John Ratcliffe

John Ratcliffe, Trump’s Pick for Intelligence Chief, Follows a Slew of QAnon Accounts

The last time Trump attempted to name Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican as Director of National Intelligence, the White House had to pull his nomination. Ratclffe, according to multiple news reports had padded his resume with a false claims Ratcliffe claimed to have overseen the prosecution of terrorists in Atlanta. His former colleagues said he...