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Tag: Persian Gulf

Operation Raven

With NSA Training, UAE Spies Monitored Rights Activists and Michelle Obama 

From a New York Times story and additional reporting by Al Jazeera: Known as Project Raven, hackers employed state-of-the-art cyber-espionage tools to help the UAE engage in surveillance of other governments, armed groups, and human rights activists critical of the monarchy. Interviews by Reuters news agency in 2019 with former Raven operatives, along with a...

Video of tanker

Navy Releases Video of Alleged Iranian Attack, Proving Nothing

As the Trump administration blamed Iran for two attacks on Persian Gulf oil tankers and Iran blamed a U.S. “false flag” operation, the U.S. Navy released this video that shows an alleged Iranian ship, allegedly removing an unexploded mine from the side of a tanker. The claims for the video are unverified. Given the Trump...