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Tag: National Security Archive

National Security Archive

The U.S. Government’s System for Declassifying Historical Documents Is in Crisis

After investigating the state of the JFK Records Collection at the National Archives in College Park Maryland, I have first-hand knowledge that Bill Burr is right. The American people are systematically denied access to their history, thanks to official secrecy. Burr, analyst for the non-profit National Security Archive at the George Washington University, writes: the...

National Security Archive

Sunshine Week: Freedom of Information and Its Enemies

It’s Sunshine Week in Washington, a week to celebrate the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other open government laws that enable the public to see what their government is doing. The FOIA, passed in 1966, is a powerful tool for the public interest.  Even our most secret agency, the CIA, has provided online access to...

Bill Barr

Barr and Bolton Undermined Congressional Oversight of CIA

The past is prologue to the Trump administration. Thirty years ago, National Security Adviser John Bolton and Attorney General Nominee William Barr were fighting congressional oversight of the CIA. As legal advisers to President Reagan, they insisted that the president did not need to disclose all covert operations to Congress, that Congress’s power of the...

National Security Archive

DNC Alleges Russia’s GRU Tried To Hack the Party After 2018 Election 

Russian hacking wasn’t limited to the 2016 election, says the Democratic National Committee. In updating their lawsuit against the alleged hackers, the DNC says Russians tried a spearfishing attack late last year. From the non-profit National Security Archive. On January 17, 2019, the Democratic National Committee filed an amendment to their original lawsuit against the Russian...

National Security Archive

Fifty Years After Tlatelolco Massacre, Impunity Reigns In Mexico

Today is the 50th anniversary of one of the most notorious events in Mexican history: the massacre of scores of student demonstrators on the eve of the 1968 Olympics. Across the country, Mexican citizens are commemorating the event with marches and rallies, conferences, exhibitions, and performances. The massacre marked the first time a popular movement confronted Mexico’s...