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UK’s Huawei Decision Splits Western Intelligence Agencies

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to allow some Huawei equipment to be used in the building of the country’s 5G networks is splitting Western Intelligence services. In one camp are Britain’s MI5, the equivalent of the FBI, and the General Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) and Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE), equivalents to the NSA. They believe...


U.K. Approves Limited Huawei Technology–and U.S. Signals Approval

In Western intelligence agencies there is no issue more divisive than Huawei, the Chinese telecom sells sophisticated communications technology. The U.S. intelligence community argues that any reliance on Huawei technology is an inherent security risk, given the firm’s connections to the Chinese government. President Trump has forbidden U.S. firms from buying Huawei products, while the...


MI5 Chief Downplays U.S. Intelligence-Sharing Fears Over Huawei 

The United States has banned U.S. government agencies from purchasing from Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications company. U.S. policymakers have viewed Huawei as a security risk and is pressuring allies to also shun the Chines tech giant as they build out 5G networks The U.S. pressure on Huawei hreatens to disrupt the traditionally close relations between...