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Tag: Fred Hampton

Fred Hampton square

RIP Fred Hampton, Black Panther Assassinated by the FBI

[This piece was first published in Counterpunch, Dec. 4, 2019. I’m republishing it for Black History Month 2021] Fifty one years ago, a squad of Chicago police officers killed Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in a pre-dawn raid on the apartment where they were sleeping. In the decades since, a revealing body...

Fred Hampton square

Are Undercover Police Agents Provoking Violence? Probably.

So far the evidence is anecdotal, but history suggests it is likely that undercover police agents are among those provoking violence in the George Floyd protest in order to discredit the demonstrators and justify the use of force. David Rovics at Counterpunch provides some historical perspective on the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Launched in 1958,...