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Tag: 2020 Democrats

Bill de blasio

Bill de Blasio: Amazon Crucial to International Community

NYC Mayor de Blasio hasn’t discussed much of international affairs and security while on the 2020 campaign trail, although his record in public service has some telling incidents. De Blasio has mostly framed his response to foreign policy in terms of immigration and climate change. Back in 2012, as the public advocate for New York...

Steve Bullock

Steve Bullock: Judgement over Photo Ops

Governor Steve Bullock of Montana is the Democratic governor of a state that went for Trump in 2016. His foreign-policy views are unclear, as he has focused his campaign so far on campaign finance and free trade. On the Campaign Trail: On Israel and a Two-State Solution: I support a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine...

Tulsi Gabbard

On War and Peace, Democrats Don’t Say Much

Issues of war and peace were barely mentioned in last night’s Democratic debates. Maybe it was the moderators’ fault, but the candidates didn’t seem too eager to talk either. The ongoing U.S.-sponsored wars (“interventions”) in Syria, Yemen, and Somalia went unmentioned. Only two candidates spoke about Afghan war, now in its 19th year. Cory Booker...

Kirsten Gillibrand

Will the Democrats Take On ‘Endless War’ in the Second Debate?

While Democratic presidential candidates are growing more vocal about foreign policy issues, especially Russia, they don’t talk much about war and peace in their televised debates. Foreign issues matter less to most voters than so-called “kitchen table” issues of jobs and health care. But no small part of the next president’s job will be to...

Bernie Sanders

Will Democrats Talk about War and the Pentagon in Second Debate?

The Democratic presidential candidates are growing more vocal about foreign policy issues, especially Russia, as they seek to distinguish themselves from their rivals and from Trump. Among contenders who will speak Tuesday night in Detroit Tuesday night, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have the most detailed positions. Warren pledges to curb the role of...

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