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NSA Dissented From CIA on Russian Bounty Intelligence 

From the unlikely duo of Antiwar.com and the Wall Street Journal comes a dissent from the leaked intelligence reports that Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, offered bounty payments to Taliban commanders who killed U.S. servicemen in Afghanistan. The National Security Agency and the CIA differed on the intelligence, with NSA analysts concluding the evidence...


America Trying to ‘Rule the World,’ Says Russian Spy Chief 

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Sergei Naryshkin, the chief of Russia’s foreign intelligence agency, SVR, said America has been trying to “rule the world” and this could lead to “disaster”. The SVR is the successor to the Soviet-era KGB. It is less well-known that the GRU, the military intelligence agency of the Russian...

COVID 19 cell

Trump’s Trade Adviser Repeats Unsubstantiated COVID Theory

First it was former MI6 director Richard Dearlove espousing a theory about the origins of the COVID virus that has no foundation in fact. Now it’s White House trade adviser Peter Navarro. ‘Navarro says on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it remains unclear how the virus started and “until we get some information about...

MI6 logo

Former MI6 Spymaster Claims Wuhan Lab ‘Accident’ Caused COVID. Virologists Disagree

Sir Richard Dearlove  cited an “important” new study by British and Norwegian researchers which he thinks could “shift the debate.” The researchers claim to have discovered clues suggesting key elements were “inserted” into the virus’s genetic sequence and may not have evolved naturally —​ a prospect contested by almost every other scientist studying the virus’s...