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China’s All-Seeing Spy Agency

From Top World  Intelligence Agencies MSS is responsible for China’s foreign intelligence and counterintelligence mission. Despite reports of internal turmoil, the Chinese intelligence has had numerous successes. In the field of economic espionage, the FBI considers China the biggest threat to the United States. In December 2018 U.S. prosecutors charged two MSS agents for their role...

NSA branding

What Does the NSA Do?

(From Top World  Intelligence Agencies) Once upon a time Washingtonians said NSA stood for “No Such Agency.” Now NSA is well-known but is regarded as the most secretive of all U.S intelligence agencies. It is responsible for collecting signals intelligence such as email, texts, telephone calls and radio and TV communications. Its budget in 2014  was...

State Department Cuts Off Funding for Trolls of Critics of Trump’s Iran Policy

State Department Cuts Off Funding for Trolls of Critics of Trump’s Iran Policy

Jason Rezaian of the Washington Post, imprisoned for 544 days by the Iranian government on dubious charges of spying, was surprised to find himself the target of another government spewing unfounded allegations:  the U.S. government. In today’s Post he writes I never imagined the U.S. State Department would be funding my attackers. The Guardian has the...

Pakistani Intelligence

ISI: Pakistan’s Powerful Intelligence Service

(From Top World  Intelligence Agencies) ISI in the news: India: Pakistan’s spy agency involved in Kashmir bombingI (Feb. 19, 2019) ISI is widely regarded as the “deep state” of Pakistan. It is a powerful but opaque intelligence service that manages Pakistan’s elected government and controls and the nation’s substantial nuclear arsenal. ISI sponsors  Islamist insurgencies in...