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Iran Isn’t Another Iraq. Its a Different Kind of War

President Trump’s policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran has generated Tehran’s policy of “tit for tat,” and the results worry the world. Drones downed. Tankers seized. Insults exchanged. Yet both countries say—and act—like they don’t want a shooting war. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini said in May, “We don’t seek a war and neither do...

Kirsten Gillibrand

How Gillibrand Would End the Endless Wars

Last week, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand coupled a call for an end to America’s “endless wars” with denunciation of President’ Trump’s “unpredictable and often contradictory positions.” The junior senator from New York called for repealing the post 9/11 congressional resolution used to justify military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Somalia. As president, she said...

Official Secrets

Keira Knightley Plays a British Whistleblower in ‘Dirty Tricks’ 

The catastrophically misguided U.S. invasion of Iraq still reverberates in our lives today. The destruction of Saddam Hussein’s government created space for the global jihadist movement to flourish. It also created democratic space for Iraq’s Shiite majority and their Iranian supporters. Trump’s confrontation with Iran today can be seen as a rearguard action to take...

Gina Haspel’s Classmates  Set the Record Straight on Lakenheath High

Gina Haspel’s Classmates Set the Record Straight on Lakenheath High

My story about Gina Haspel’s education, “The Girl Who Became Spymaster” has generated a furry of comments from Lakenheath alumni. Several took exception to some or all of my description of Haspel’s experience there as “insulated, demanding and militarized.” So let’s hear what they have to say. Was the school demanding, ie., did it have...