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How China Runs Its Mass Detention Camps

From the  International Consortium of Investigative Journalists – ICIJ The extraordinary coercive power of China’s Ministry of State Security is Xinjiang province, where the Beijing government is seeking to control the Uighurs, a non-Chinese Muslim minority. ICIJ obtained an operations manual: A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents reveals the operations manual for...

Bill Barr

The Republicans’ Ukraine Conspiracy Theory Explained

Trump’s Ukraine story is a constellation of factoids that amount to a fantasy. Which isn’t to say it won’t be politically effective. One important reason Democrats must be better prepared to fend off Ukraine-related conspiracy mongering is that Attorney General Barr is preparing some kind of ginned-up report that will line up neatly with Republican...

Kim Philby

The Cambridge Five: How an Epic Spy Ring Penetrated British Power

From HistoryExtra, the story of how the Soviet KGB penetrated the upper ranks of British government during and after World War II. The CIA, in the person of James Angleton, was fooled as well. [If you want to know more, see biography of Angleton, THE GHOST: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton.]...

Bernie Sanders

Top Candidates for National Security Employees:  Sanders and Buttigieg

This surprising finding comes from Foreign Policy’s C.K. Hickey. Foreign Policy examined how much money was donated to campaign committees from employees of the State Department, the military, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Justice Department, drawing on data from the Center for Responsive Politics. When combining contribution amounts together, Sanders is the biggest...