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Category: Fact Check

Gina Haspel CIA director speaks

Fact Check: CIA Director Gina Haspel Was Not Arrested, Injured or Found Dead

Reuters debunks a popular social media fantasy about CIA director Gina Haspel. A November 29 Facebook post (flagged as bogus by Facebook) claimed that five special forces troops and a CIA official were killed in the raid and Haspel was flown to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO) where she was treated and “received a tribunal...


Is RAW Recruiting Rohingya Muslims? Not Really: Here Are the Facts

Essentially, the notification means that the government of India was recruiting individuals who could claim to be proficient in the language of Rohingya, and not Rohingya Muslims themselves.With the rumours about this posting being for individuals to work in R&AW, the significance of hiring people who know how to read, write and speak in Rohingya...

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Misinformation 2020 Was Made-in-USA; Russia’s Role Was Tiny

  Just how polluted is the news environment during the 2020 presidential election ? A new study, reporting in DefenseOne, a news platform for the military industrial complex, concludes: Very. The study, by Zignal Labs, is careful to distinguish disinformation–deliberate deceptions–from misinformation–erroneous statements. These falsehoods were consumed by audiences across the country, but unevenly, especially...

Voter 'Fraud' Disinformation

Trump and RNC Duped Traditional Media Into Covering Mail-in Voter ‘Fraud’; Russia Not a Factor

From Nieman Journalism Lab, a bit of perspective. Russian attempts to influence the election are real, but they are not the most significant driver of online disinformation. The culprit is closer to home. t’s Trump, the Republican National Committee, and Fox News — not Facebook spammers and Russian trolls — who are the primary drivers...

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Bellingcat: The Implausible ‘False Flag’ Theory About a Syrian Chemical Attack

Last year I reviewed the evidence of the chemical attack in Douma, Syria and came away unconvinced by the “false flag” scenario advanced by some critics of U.S. policy. While the U.S. is known to mount “false flag” operations, the evidence from Douma does not support the claim that an attack was staged to blame...

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