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Category: United States

Jan 6 Insurrection

The U.S. Capitol Police Are Ill-Prepared for Another Assault

BARRING SOME unforeseen and dramatic changes in the dynamics of American politics,  we are headed for another wave of violence pivoting on the 2020 and 2024 elections, when Trump-Republican state and local officials are widely expected to protest Democratic victories at the polls and move to nullify the results. In place after place, according to...

Iran gas

Iran Charges U.S. and Israel Behind a  Cyberattack That Disrupted Gas Stations

“We are still unable to say forensically, but analytically I believe it was carried out by the Zionist Regime, the Americans and their agents,” Gholamreza Jalali, head of civil defence which is in charge of cyber security, told state TV in an interview. President Ebrahim Raisi said this week that the cyberattack, which disrupted the...

Global Climate

Three Key Findings from the U.S. Intelligence Report on Climate Change 

With the global climate conference due to start on October 31, the U.S. intelligence community has released a report, Climate Change and International Responses Increasing Challenges to US National Security Through 2040. Some of the most important findings: Key Judgment 1: Geopolitical tensions are likely to grow as countries increasingly argue about how to accelerate...

Over the Horizon

Addicted to Drones: The Overhyping of ‘Over the Horizon’

In the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the Biden Administration has announced the United States has adopted  “Over the Horizon” strategy for intervening against suspected terrorists, “We can’t kill our way to success,” notes former CIA officer Douglas London in Just Security. ” Perhaps the greatest flaw in an “Over the Horizon” strategy,...

Afghanistan raid

A Beginner’s Guide to ‘The Blob’–and the American Way of War

Why has American been at war for the entire 21st century? What accounts for the reality of “endless wars,” a phrase that even President Biden used to justify U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan? One obvious answer is that the Washington foreign policymaking class–a community now known as “the Blob” to critics–favors military interventions and rejects non-military...