In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks President George Bush stoutly resisted the creation of a committee to investigate of how the hijackers were able to penetrate America’s defenses. Only the congressional intelligence committees should investigate, Bush said, and only behind closed doors. Vice President Cheney said those who charged the attacks on New York...
Inside the Discord Leak: U.S. Air Force Loves War Gamers Like Teixeira
British Intelligence Privately Says Israel Has Nuclear Weapons But Won’t Admit it Publicly
Mexican President Accuses Pentagon of Spying, Vows to Restrict Military Information
Daniel Ellsberg Week Honors Pentagon Whistleblower
How Twitter Became a Propaganda Tool of U.S. Central Command
Interview With the Father of a Palestinian Fighter Assassinated by Israeli Special Forces
Chinese Police Station in New York Is Part of a Vast Influence Operation
Catch-22 at Guantanamo, or How Due Process Got Undone
Wagner Group Leader Calls for End to Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’
Once Ridiculed, the ‘October Surprise’ Deal Between Reagan and Iran Is Now Confirmed
Two Senators Allege ‘Secret’ CIA spying on Unwitting Americans
UK Spy Agency Says AI Chatbots Pose a Security Threat
How Aerial Surveillance Has Evolved Over the Past 200 Years
Wagner Mercenary Chief Says He Ran Russian Information War
Iranians Outraged After Shah-Era Secret-Police Official Attends U.S. Rally
Israeli-led Disinformation Team Meddled in Dozens of Elections
Director of National Intelligence Barred From Reporting on Domestic Extremists in U.S. Armed Forces
Iranian Intelligence Official Says China in Line to Buy Tehran’s Drones
Former Mossad Chief Urges Compromise on Judicial Shakeup
FBI’s Figliuzzi: Chaos or Civil War in 2020?
Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI deputy director for counterintelligence, looks ahead to the 2020 president election and sees chaos coming. The convergence of Trump, COVID, and William Barr, and is dangerous. “Things will get bad before they get better,” he tells Strange Days host Fernand Amandi. Figliuzzi’s fears echo those of Mark Medish and Joel McCleary‘s...
美国:中央情报局 (CIA)
From Top World Intelligence Agencies In the News Translation: In English: CIA 作为世界上最大的情报机构,中央情报局通过每日简报和国家安全委员会向总统提供建议,并在美国境外开展秘密行动。这些活动包括:间谍活动、反间谍活动、网络攻击、准军事行动及通过无人机战争进行有针对性的刺杀。 中央情报局成立于1947年,成立至今的70余年里,一直着手干预他国事务。一位学者的研究发现,1946年至2000年间,在81个国家存在的选举干预事件中,中央情报局大多扮演着主导角色。 中央情报局最臭名昭著的行动包括推翻危地马拉和伊朗政府,二十世纪五十年代及六十年代针对外国领导人的暗杀阴谋,麦库特拉(MKULTRA)精神控制实验,以及与联邦调查局合作实施的,针对国内外自由主义者、左翼分子及民权领袖的反情报计划(COINTELPRO)。 该机构领导了美国所谓的“反恐战争”。中央情报局官员曾于事件发生五周前警告乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)总统,奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama Bin Laden)“决定在2001年9月11日之前在美国境内进行袭击”。袭击后,中央情报局准军事部队领导了美国入侵阿富汗。 在乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)总统的授意下,该机构还建立了一个实施全球引渡、黑地点及酷刑的系统。该机构在抓获911袭击事件策划者哈利德·谢赫·穆罕默德(Khalid Sheik Muhammed)及其他恐怖嫌疑人中发挥了主导作用。巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统2009年就职后,该机构宣布放弃“极端审讯技术”。后于2018年重申了其“禁止酷刑”政策。 该机构最严重的错误发生于2002年12月的国家情报评估报告,报告宣称伊拉克的萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)拥有大规模杀伤性武器。这一估计后被证明几乎完全错误。 该机构已成为特朗普总统的目标,其就职前将该机构领导人比作“纳粹分子”。作为回应,前中央情报局局长迈克尔·海登(Michael Hayden)和约翰·布伦南(John Brennan)严厉批评了总统。 中央情报局现任局长是专业作战参谋吉娜哈·斯佩尔(Gina Haspel),其于迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)成为国务卿后得到提名并确认。2013年,中情局的预算是150亿美元。哈斯佩尔表示,该机构雇佣了20,000名员工。 阅读更多 中情局讲述自己的故事 中情局历史大事件汇总(美国科学家联合会) 美国参议院情报委员会关于中情局酷刑的报告 党派选举干预,中情局vs俄罗斯(付费内容) From Top World Intelligence Agencies
John Ratcliffe, Trump’s Pick for Intelligence Chief, Follows a Slew of QAnon Accounts
The last time Trump attempted to name Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican as Director of National Intelligence, the White House had to pull his nomination. Ratclffe, according to multiple news reports had padded his resume with a false claims Ratcliffe claimed to have overseen the prosecution of terrorists in Atlanta. His former colleagues said he...
The Undercover Mission of the New International Spy Museum
The new International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. is, not surprisingly, an institution in disguise, an undercover operation executed in plain sight. The museum’s beveled glassy front is more stylish than its neighbors–the bland façade of the Post Office to the west, the neo-expressionist face of the General Services Administration to the north. Yet the...