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Category: United States

Fred Hampton square

Are Undercover Police Agents Provoking Violence? Probably.

So far the evidence is anecdotal, but history suggests it is likely that undercover police agents are among those provoking violence in the George Floyd protest in order to discredit the demonstrators and justify the use of force. David Rovics at Counterpunch provides some historical perspective on the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Launched in 1958,...

Watching the Watchers

FBI Has ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in DC Violence on May 31

From Ken Klippenstein, an intrepid reporter with good sources, in The Nation. The FBI report states that “based on CHS [Confidential Human Source] canvassing, open source/social media partner engagement, and liaison, FBI WFO has no intelligence indicating Antifa involvement/presence.” The statement followed a list of violent acts like throwing bricks at police and the discovery of...

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Those predictable voices–I’m think of former national security adviser Susan Rice- that blame Russia or claim “foreign actors” are a factor in the division of America are just plain wrong. “The scale and scope of domestic disinformation—created by Americans and targeting Americans—is far greater than anything a foreign adversary could possibly do to us. The...


U.S. National Security Community Must Do Its Part to Fight Racial Injustice

The national security community has to address the national convulsion over police violence or else forfeit its credibility. So say two former U.S. officials in Foreign Policy (Editor’s note: paywall alert; I asked Foreign Policy to open up the piece; they have not responded.) The United States has a long history, beset by a sharp...

Julian Castro

Schatz Amendment Would End the 1033 Program That Militarizes Cops

From Consortium News: Congress is taking action on the 1033 program, which authorizes the Defense Department to send military equipment and weapons to local police departments. Since 1990 more than $5.4 billion in equipment has flowed to the hands of cops with predictable results. The response by local law enforcement to the nationwide uprising that...