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Category: United States

Trump forgets

DHS Analysts: Trump Defeat May Trigger Right-Wing Terror 

An Aug. 17 Department of Homeland Security analysis also warns of possible election-related attacks. “We assess ideologically-motivated violent extremists and other violent actors could quickly mobilize to threaten or engage in violence against election or campaign-related targets in response to perceived partisan and policy-based grievances,” says the document, which was obtained by Yahoo News. While...

DARPA logo

DARPA, Imagineer of War, Names a New Director

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has a new director, Victoria Coleman. DARPA is the US. government’s arm for applied high-technology.  Reporter Sharon Weinberger calls the men and women of DARPA The Imagineers of War. Her book of the same name is a good introduction to one of DARPA’s most important functions:  imagining new ways...

John Durham

A Right-Wing Bubble Bursts: Durham Talks and Brennan Walks 

The soft sobbing sounds you hear come right-wing media scribes who are crying in their beer. For months, the faithful tribunes of Trumpism have been hyperventilating about the Justice Department’s investigation of the FBI and CIA’s decision to investigate the Trump-Russia contacts in 2016. On the scarcest of evidence these partisans have hyped the possibilty...