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Category: United States

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Peace Data and Prigozhin’s Service to Putin

Some journalists on the left like Aaron Mate and Dan Lazare tell me that the charges of Russian interference in U.S. politics are a “hoax” or “don’t really matter.” While I share their opposition to a new Cold War with Russia,  that does not require averting one’s eyes from the record of Yevgeny Prigozhin, international...

Kevin Zeese

RIP: Kevin Zeese, Upbeat Progressive Activist

I was saddened to read in CounterPunch.org that Kevin Zeese had passed. Kevin was a constant, energetic presence in Washington DC area politics at the local, state and national levels. What I liked most about him was his hearty laugh, his spontaneous enthusiasm for radical politics and his genuine tolerance for differences of opinion. We...


SpyTalk: How Chinese Intelligence Penetrated the CIA

In SpyTalk, a new email newsletter, veteran journalist Jeff Stein leads off with a report on the recent indictment of Alexander Ma, a former CIA officer who allegedly spied for China’s Ministry of State Security, and a relative who allegedly helped him. The secrets the two Ma’s spilled included the identity of five CIA agents,...


Intelligence Findings on COVID19 Origins: Not Man-Made or Genetically Modified

“I will tell you, more and more, we’re hearing the story [that the new coronavirus emerged from a Wuhan lab,” President Trump said last April. On April 30, Trump said he had a “high degree of confidence” the new coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Trump said he was “not allowed” to revealed his sources,...

Paul Manafort

The Origins of the Ukraine Conspiracy Theory

It all began with Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, now serving a seven-year prison sentence for bank fraud, tax fraud, money laundering, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, false statements, and witness tampering. Now Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is promoting Manafort’s defense of his felonious behavior: I was looking for the Democratic National...