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Category: United States

Fred Hampton square

RIP Fred Hampton, Black Panther Assassinated by the FBI

[This piece was first published in Counterpunch, Dec. 4, 2019. I’m republishing it for Black History Month 2021] Fifty one years ago, a squad of Chicago police officers killed Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in a pre-dawn raid on the apartment where they were sleeping. In the decades since, a revealing body...

Operation Raven

With NSA Training, UAE Spies Monitored Rights Activists and Michelle Obama 

From a New York Times story and additional reporting by Al Jazeera: Known as Project Raven, hackers employed state-of-the-art cyber-espionage tools to help the UAE engage in surveillance of other governments, armed groups, and human rights activists critical of the monarchy. Interviews by Reuters news agency in 2019 with former Raven operatives, along with a...

US Embassy, Havana

The Unsolved Mystery of the ‘Havana Syndrome’

The non-profit National Security Archive in Washington has the latest on a mysterious malady that felled two CIA operatives in Cuba and many others. Is it a secret weapon, perhaps developed by the Russians, targeting U.S. intelligence operatives and diplomat? There’s no evidence that. But it’s not clear what could be causing similar symptoms among...

Trita Parsi, Quincy Institute

Israel Threatens War to Block Biden’s Iran Diplomacy

It is clear that President Biden wants to rejoin the international nuclear agreement with Iran. President Obama negotiated the pact and Biden regards it as a key part of the Obama legacy. President Trump trashed the agreement with support of Israel. Now Israel is seeking to sustain Trump’s policy. The Israelis, in league with Mohammed bin...