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Category: United States

Imaad Zuberi

Accused Trump Contributor Worked for CIA For Many Years

They call it “graymail:” where a criminal defendant threatens to disclose intelligence connections in open court to discourage or deflect legal prosecution. Imaad Zuberi, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan, is facing 12 years in prison and an $18 million fine on charges related to illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. campaign coffers, both Democrats...

Bill Burns

CIA: O Maior Serviço de Espionagem do Mundo

CIA in Simplified Chinese | CIA en Espanol   O maior serviço de inteligência do mundo, a CIA, assessora o presidente por meio de um boletim diário e por meio do Conselho de Segurança Nacional, além de realizar operações clandestinas fora dos Estados Unidos.  Estas atividades incluem: espionagem, contraespionagem, ataques cibernéticos, ações paramilitares e execuções específicas por meio...

Five Eyes

The Five Eyes: The Global Spy Network You Never Heard Of

[Inside the Five Eyes: a Five Part Series: Part 1 [below] | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 ] The Netflix thriller series, “Pine Gap” takes place on a sprawling, top-secret signals intelligence facility in the Australian Outback. On the screen, Pine Gap is depicted as a cockpit of drone...