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Category: United States

BIden Afghanistan

Afghanistan:  A Failure of U.S. Regime Change Policy

  Let the buck passing begin. The military people say Aghanistan was an intelligence failure. The intelligence community says it was a policy failure. They are both right. Above all, it was a failure of U.S. “regime change” policy that arrogates to the United States the “right” to replace adversarial governments. “There is an old...


Afghanistan ‘Intelligence Failure’ Debate Begins as Taliban Take Kabul

Michael Morell, the former acting and deputy director of the CIA, dismissed Engel’s point of view, arguing that policy is to blame.”What is happening in Afghanistan is not the result of an intelligence failure. It is the result of numerous policy failures by multiple administrations. Of all the players over the years, the Intelligence Community...

Taylor Moore Down Range

A Perfectly Timed New Spy Thriller 

From SpyTalk For espionage aficionados, Down Range has plenty of battlefield tradecraft and CIA intrigue. But Moore’s story is bigger: It bridges themes of corporate greed and big oil, drug traffickers, compromised businessmen and officials. The protagonist knows failure and regret, but faced with choices of good and evil, he’s looking for the decency that...

Burns Bennett

Directors of CIA and Mossad Meet in Israel

So far we have mostly wire service coverage. The situation: The United States is seeking to restart nuclear negotiations with Iran, while Israel seeks to disrupt those talks. Israeli press offers unsubstantiated rumor while Iran reminds the United States it has escalatory powers with a barrage of Hezbollah rockets and Persian Gulf drone attack. Bill...