Category: FOIA

National Security Archive

Sunshine Week: Freedom of Information and Its Enemies

It’s Sunshine Week in Washington, a week to celebrate the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other open government laws that enable the public to see what their government is doing. The FOIA, passed in 1966, is a powerful tool for the public interest.  Even our most secret agency, the CIA, has provided online access to...


MuckRock’s Nine Years of Uncovering Secrets

The full-service investigative site MuckRock is nine years old, an apt moment to celebrate its remarkable journalistic achievement. Founder Michael Morisy had the ingenious idea of automating the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process, so that anybody could take advantage of open government laws at the federal or state level. These laws are quite strong...

Report on CIA in Honduras

CIA Archives Shows the Roots of the Honduran Border Caravan

In MuckRock, the innovative FOIA factory that generates investigative journalism, Chelsea Dickens illustrates a key fact about immigration to the United States in 2019: Covert and overt action in the ‘80s contributed to the “regional instability” still felt today Source: CIA archives show ties between the Honduran Border Caravan and the Reagan Administration • MuckRock


FOIA Watch: The ‘Indiana Jones Warehouse” (or Where the Government Stashes its Oldest Records0

Anyone who uses the Freedom of Information Act to investigate the working of the U.S. government is likely to run into road block called “no responsive records.” For example, when I sued the CIA for the files of George Joannides, a psychological warfare operations officer, I was told the agency had no records responsive to...

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