Another former CIA officer is running for Congress. Valerie Plame, a former Central Intelligence Agency operative is running for Congress in New Mexico, and the new campaign ad she released on Monday quickly went viral on Twitter. Entitled “Undercover,” the 56-year-old mother of three drives shows off her CIA skills, impressively drives a Chevy amaro...
Inside the Discord Leak: U.S. Air Force Loves War Gamers Like Teixeira
British Intelligence Privately Says Israel Has Nuclear Weapons But Won’t Admit it Publicly
Mexican President Accuses Pentagon of Spying, Vows to Restrict Military Information
Daniel Ellsberg Week Honors Pentagon Whistleblower
How Twitter Became a Propaganda Tool of U.S. Central Command
Interview With the Father of a Palestinian Fighter Assassinated by Israeli Special Forces
Chinese Police Station in New York Is Part of a Vast Influence Operation
Catch-22 at Guantanamo, or How Due Process Got Undone
Wagner Group Leader Calls for End to Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’
Once Ridiculed, the ‘October Surprise’ Deal Between Reagan and Iran Is Now Confirmed
Two Senators Allege ‘Secret’ CIA spying on Unwitting Americans
UK Spy Agency Says AI Chatbots Pose a Security Threat
How Aerial Surveillance Has Evolved Over the Past 200 Years
Wagner Mercenary Chief Says He Ran Russian Information War
Iranians Outraged After Shah-Era Secret-Police Official Attends U.S. Rally
Israeli-led Disinformation Team Meddled in Dozens of Elections
Director of National Intelligence Barred From Reporting on Domestic Extremists in U.S. Armed Forces
Iranian Intelligence Official Says China in Line to Buy Tehran’s Drones
Former Mossad Chief Urges Compromise on Judicial Shakeup
Category: Congress
Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame Is Running for Congress by Driving Backwards
House Intelligence Committee Opens Investigation into Trump-Giuliani Ukraine Scheme
The chairmen of the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committee have opened an investigation of President Trump’s efforts to enlist the Ukraine government in his re-election campaign. The chief target, the president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Buzzfeed has the details of how two men working for Giuliani sought “information that could be weaponized in the...
U.S. Intelligence Black Budget: $80 Billion for 17 Agencies
In a new report, William Hartung and Abby Smithberger, reliable and informed analysts of U.S. military spending, say U.S. security spending will total $1.1 trillion, most of which goes to foreign wars and weapons systems and veterans care. One small but crucial portion of the budget goes to intelligence activities that are not disclosed to...
Tim Ryan Supports Hong Kong Democracy
On the Campaign Trail: The eight-term Congressman from Youngstown Ohio is running for president on a platform of “rebuilding America.” He serves on the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. He has not yet said much about issues of war and peace beyond portraying China a s threat to American prosperity. On China: ‘They’re...
Regime Change Illusions: Why the Venezuela Uprising Sputtered
When Manuel Figuera, the chief of the Venezuelan intelligence service (SEBIN), turned on the government of President Nicolas Maduro last week, the Trump administration thought their goal of regime change was in sight. If Figuera joined opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s government in exile, SEBIN could both control the country and secure recognition of Washington. With...