Category: Congress

John Brennan

The CIA’s ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Obama on Russian Hacking Is Still Classified

The American people still don’t know some of the most significant details of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election. Four years after the fact, the story is still redacted. The Washington Examiner extracted that revelation from the latest Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian intervention in U.S. elections. “The administration was not fully engaged until...


Sen. Mark Warner Wants to Fund Huawei Competitors

Huawei or the highway? As that question divides the U.S. and U.K. intelligence communities, Sen. Mark Warner, ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has a solution to wean the United States from reliance on the Chinese telecom giant. The issue is whether Western governments can use Huawei’s technology to build their 5G networks, which...

Adam Schiff

Professor Stephen Cohen on Ukraine and the Politics of Impeachment

The national security argument in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump was a big dud. While the House managers made the case that the United States should arm Ukraine, they didn’t follow up the point because it was weak. The president’s defenders noted, accurately, that Trump’s Ukraine policy was more militaristic than President Obama’s....

Foreign Governments Are Greasing U.S. Think Tank ‘Experts’ With Millions 

Foreign Governments Are Greasing U.S. Think Tank ‘Experts’ With Millions 

One way that foreign governments (and their intelligence services) seek to influence the American government is through donations to Washington think tanks. The top 50 think tanks that shape policy direction and legislation in Washington received over $174 million in foreign money from 2014 to 2018, according to a new analysis conducted by the Foreign Influence Transparency...

Joe Biden

emptywheel: NSA Is Probably Withholding Burisma Details

Marcy Wheeler, aka emptywheel, is among the most knowledgeable of intel watchers. She has this to say about Rep. Adam Schiff’s complaint that the National Security Agency has not been entirely forthcoming with records relevant to President Trump’s impeachment trial. It’s all about Burisma, the Ukrainian firm that hired Hunter Biden to serve on its...