Category: CIA

US in Ukraine

What Is the CIA’s Role in Ukraine?

On the SpyTalk podcast, David Maxwell, a former Green Beret trainer talks up a CIA-trained unconventional war-fighting force in Ukraine. Maxwell envisions a U.S.-sponsored resistance force to fight against the possible Russian invasion. He also says the mission of the Green Berets is “to free the oppressed,” which is propaganda, not an argument for intervention....

Over the Horizon

Addicted to Drones: The Overhyping of ‘Over the Horizon’

In the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the Biden Administration has announced the United States has adopted  “Over the Horizon” strategy for intervening against suspected terrorists, “We can’t kill our way to success,” notes former CIA officer Douglas London in Just Security. ” Perhaps the greatest flaw in an “Over the Horizon” strategy,...

Assange Arrested

The CIA Debated Kidnapping or Killing Julian Assange

This more than solid scoop comes from the very reliable  Zach Dorfman, Sean D. Naylor and Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News. While Assange had been on the radar of U.S. intelligence agencies for years, these plans for an all-out war against him were sparked by WikiLeaks’ ongoing publication of extraordinarily sensitive CIA hacking tools, known collectively as “Vault...


The 9/11 Cover-Up, According to FBI Whistleblower Coleen Rowley

From, former FBI agent Colleen Rowley on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks: “Already on the day of September 11, 2001, some of us insiders knew some agonizing truth, that the horrible terrorist attacks of that day could have been easily prevented if FBIHQ had just read, shared and acted on the memos...

BIden Afghanistan

Afghanistan:  A Failure of U.S. Regime Change Policy

  Let the buck passing begin. The military people say Aghanistan was an intelligence failure. The intelligence community says it was a policy failure. They are both right. Above all, it was a failure of U.S. “regime change” policy that arrogates to the United States the “right” to replace adversarial governments. “There is an old...