Category: CIA

Report on CIA in Honduras

CIA Archives Shows the Roots of the Honduran Border Caravan

In MuckRock, the innovative FOIA factory that generates investigative journalism, Chelsea Dickens illustrates a key fact about immigration to the United States in 2019: Covert and overt action in the ‘80s contributed to the “regional instability” still felt today Source: CIA archives show ties between the Honduran Border Caravan and the Reagan Administration • MuckRock

Gina Haspel

Trump’s Feud With the Intelligence Community Deepens

The dis-integration of the Trump administration continues. The long-integrated intelligence operations of the White House and the national security agencies are now out of sync. The normal governmental process by which the national security agencies present timely intelligence and policy options to a president who chooses among them is not functioning. “The system is broken,”...

George Bush CIA

Why the CIA Loved the Late George H. Bush

Last month, 19 senior CIA officials, current and former, signed a statement lauding the late president George Bush, who served as CIA director for one year. The agency put out a complimentary “unclassified” video about his service to the agency. Langley’s Twitter feed featured 11 straight days of photos and anecdotes about Bush’s warm relationship...

George Bush CIA

Bush Ran a Secret National Security Team as VP, Says Seymour Hersh

The veteran investigative reporter writes that George H. Bush, as vice president, ran a covert operations team in the early 1980s that even the CIA didn’t know about. As a former CIA director, Bush had the experience to oversee activities. Hersh says the vice president’s team ran 35 counterterrorism, counternarcotics and assassination operations between 1981...