Category: CIA

Mike Pompeo

Spain Not Satisfied with CIA Answers on Embassy Break-In

The story of the February 22 break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid just keeps “getting more pregnant” as investigative reporters are wont to say. The daytime attack, involving ten men (some of whom escaped via Uber), is rather more entertaining than parsing the Talmudic texts of Barr and Mueller. (Plus, Rachel Maddow doesn’t...

Tulsi Gabbard

Former CIA Officials Woo the 2020 Democrats

Former CIA officials are increasingly willing to inject themselves into presidential politics. Former directors Michael Morrell and John McLaughlin want to educate the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates about national security issues. The 2020 Democratic candidates face some fundamental questions about national security and intelligence issues. Only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have spelled out their...

Charles Thomas

The Man Who Asked Too Many JFK Questions

The late Charles Thomas belonged to an exclusive, unhappy and forgotten club: U.S. government officials whose efforts to honestly investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 cost them their jobs and reputations. Last week the Washington Post ran an obituary of Cynthia Thomas, the widow of Charles Thomas. It was an unusual...