Category: CIA

Bill Barr

70 IGs Blow the Whistle on Barr’s Justice Department

This October 22 letter from 70 inspectors general in the federal government is an extraordinary rebuke of the Office of Legal Counsel in the Justice Department of Attorney General Bill Barr. By trying to block the White House whistleblower’s complaint from going to Congress, the OLC wrongly interpreted the law and weakened the whistleblower process....

Gina Haspel

Haspel Urged Trump to Release Ukraine Aid

CIA director Gina Haspel has managed to avoid alienating President Trump, even as he turns his wrath on former director John Brennan and the still-anonymous CIA whistleblower who called attention to Trump’s Ukraine deals. But Haspel crossed Trump during his bid to enlist the Ukaine government in his 2020 reelection campaign, the Daily Beast reports....

美国:中央情报局 (CIA)

Lament of a CIA Whistleblower

Background to the story of the CIA whistleblower who jump-started the impeachment of President Trump. Patrick Eddington, a former CIA imagery analyst turned Cato Institute pundit, writes about the ill-named Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act. He says it actually harms people inside the CIA and other intelligence agencies who want to expose, waste fraud, or...

Mark Zaid

Whistleblowers, Good and Bad

An open letter from more than 100 former national security officials applauds the “responsible whistleblower” who came forward with information about President Trump’s Ukraine dealings. While the identity of the whistleblower is unknown, “we do know that he or she is an employee of the U.S. Government,” the signatories say. “As such, he or she...

Gina Haspel CIA director speaks

Trump Relationship with CIA Sinks to New Low

The Washington Examiner is generally pro-Trump in its coverage but this report from White House correspondent Rob Crilly conveys the dismay widely felt in the intelligence service about the president’s recent actions. Kevin Carroll, a former CIA case officer, said, “It’s a very troubled relationship. Trump got it off to a terrible start with comments...