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Category: Middle East

Video of tanker

Navy Releases Video of Alleged Iranian Attack, Proving Nothing

As the Trump administration blamed Iran for two attacks on Persian Gulf oil tankers and Iran blamed a U.S. “false flag” operation, the U.S. Navy released this video that shows an alleged Iranian ship, allegedly removing an unexploded mine from the side of a tanker. The claims for the video are unverified. Given the Trump...

Mike Pompeo

The Trumped-Up Case Against Iran’s ‘Terrorist’ IRGC

The initial coverage of President Trump’s designation of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a “terrorist organization” has oddly avoided a central question. CIA and Pentagon officials tell the New York Times the decision would threaten U.S. military personnel in the region. Iraqi observers tell Al-Monitor’s Laura Rozen the designation might alienate Iraq...

State Department Cuts Off Funding for Trolls of Critics of Trump’s Iran Policy

State Department Cuts Off Funding for Trolls of Critics of Trump’s Iran Policy

Jason Rezaian of the Washington Post, imprisoned for 544 days by the Iranian government on dubious charges of spying, was surprised to find himself the target of another government spewing unfounded allegations:  the U.S. government. In today’s Post he writes I never imagined the U.S. State Department would be funding my attackers. The Guardian has the...

Cyberwar graphic

Saudis Deploy Israeli Spyware to Target Dissidents 

Eli Lake, the pro-Israel Bloomberg columnist, thinks selling Israeli-made Pegasus spyware to Saudi Arabia not a good idea. Lake recently met Palestinian blogger Ayad al-Baghdadi (no relation to the ISIS leader of the same name) who has reportedly been targeted by the Saudi regime. Now living in exile in Norway, al Baghdadi still has to...