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Category: Middle East


Reuters: Top Iranian Officials Planned Drone Attack on Saudi Oil Field

Last May, a drone attack knocked out oil production at one of Saudi Arabia’s largest oil facilities. Some speculated it was a false flag attack. Reuters now reports it was an Iranian operation, approved at the top. The sources are not named. The plan by Iranian military leaders to strike Saudi oil installations developed over...

MOIS intelligence

When Iran’s Quds Force met the Muslim Brotherhood

The Intercept has the inside scoop, a leaked document from Iran’s intelligence service, MOIS. The Quds Force represents the world’s most powerful Shia-dominated nation, while the Muslim Brotherhood is a stateless but influential political and religious force in the Sunni Muslim world.  Source: Iran’s Quds Force and Muslim Brotherhood Considered Anti-Saudi Alliance Both organizations are...

Saudi intelligence

Twitter’s Saudi Spy Network Leaves Activists Living in Fear

From the reliably interesting Middle East Eye, a story of social media espionage. Earlier this month, a complaint filed by the US government in a California federal court accused two Twitter employees of accessing and giving the details of more than 6,000 users to a Saudi official with close ties to the royal family, between...

MOIS intelligence

Leaked Intelligence Reports Expose How Iran Dominates Iraq

In 2003, George Bush proclaimed “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. In fact, the misbegotten U.S. attack delivered the country into the hands of Iran, our strategic enemy. The story highlights the leading role of Gen. Qaem Soleimani, whom some reports say has been targeted for assassination. Another key player revealed: Iranian intelligence. Some people say this story...

Yossi Cohen

Mossad Chief Was Asked About Loyalty to Netanyahu

From The Times of Israel, new details on the political ambitions of Mossad chief Yossi Cohen. According to Aaron Milchan, a billionaire backer of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, asked Cohen about his loyalties. Milchan told the investigator that when Cohen was a candidate to head the National Security Council in 2013, a position he eventually...