Category: Russia

Robert Mueller Horizontal

Mueller Redacted: GRU Used Wikileaks But Did Not Conspire With Trump

While Russian military intelligence operatives hacked the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton, they used the radical transparency organization Wikileaks to disseminate the stolen material, according to the report of special prosecutor Robert Mueller partially released Thursday. President Trump’s campaign actively pursued the stolen material and communicated with Wikileaks about how it could be deployed against...

Trump Twitter

Trump Says U.S., China and Russia Spend Too Much on Arms (He’s Right)

When President Trump makes comments that are sensible, even to his critics, social media tends to pay little attention. Commentary that crosses tribal lines does not fuel the engine of binary conflict that drives social media engagement. Trump’s critics don’t want to give him credit and his supporters hate his critics, so they don’t want...


Who Should I Believe on Trump-Russia?

People are asking me, “Who should I believe?” In the furious debate that has followed Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report, the many consumers of left-liberal (and NeverTrump right) opinion have to choose who is more credible: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey? Or David Corn, Marcy...

David Corn

David Corn v. Glenn Greenwald on the Real Trump-Russia Hoax 

People are asking me, “Who should I believe?” In the furious debate that has followed Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report, consumers of left-liberal (and NeverTrump right) opinion have to choose who is more credible: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey? Or David Corn, Marcy Wheeler, and...

Robert Mueller

Russian Hacker Indicted by Mueller Denies All in Curious BBC Interview

Sergey Polozov, a 31-year-old Web designer, is one of 13 Russians indicted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller in Feb. 2018, for fraudulent activities related to U.S. accounts. In a new interview with BBC Russia, Polozov dismissed the charges, saying his work for the Internet Research Association “was never in English and never had any apparent...