Category: GRU

NSA logo 美国:国家安全局

NSA Dissented From CIA on Russian Bounty Intelligence 

From the unlikely duo of and the Wall Street Journal comes a dissent from the leaked intelligence reports that Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, offered bounty payments to Taliban commanders who killed U.S. servicemen in Afghanistan. The National Security Agency and the CIA differed on the intelligence, with NSA analysts concluding the evidence...

Main Intelligence Directorate

Russia’s GRU Offered Bounty on U.S. Soldiers; Trump Dismisses CIA Findings

The CIA briefed President Trump on intelligence reports that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties to Afghan rebels to kill American soldiers, according to the New York Times and Washington Post. Trump denies he was briefed and says the reports were not credible. The Trump administration took no action. From The Washington Post The...

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Those predictable voices–I’m think of former national security adviser Susan Rice- that blame Russia or claim “foreign actors” are a factor in the division of America are just plain wrong. “The scale and scope of domestic disinformation—created by Americans and targeting Americans—is far greater than anything a foreign adversary could possibly do to us. The...

Dmitry Badin

Who Is Dmitry Badin, the GRU Hacker Indicted By Germany For Hacking the Bundestag? 

From Bellingcat, a deep dive on a GRU hacker, involved in multiple hacking operations. The story underscores and illuminates the fact the GRU is involved in operations against the German parliament, the Bundestag, as well as international organizations such as The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the World Anti-Doping Agency. It is...