Category: Europe

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

‘Russia Wants to Destabilize Europe,’ Says New German Leader

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is the head of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union, and likely successor to Angela Merkel as Chancellor. In a conversation with BERLIN POLICY JOURNAL, she played up  the threat of Russian influence operations in European politics. Russia has its own agenda. And this agenda evidently includes an attempt to destabilize Europe and, consequently, Germany. She...

Bellingcat Logo

Third Suspect in Skripal Poisoning Identified by Bellingcat

The crowd-sourced investigative site Bellingcat has identified a third suspect in the poisoning of Sergey Skripal, the reneged Russian intelligence officer. The report is credible because Bellingcat and collaborators in the independent Russian media broke the the story that two GRU officers were involved in the poisoning of Skirpal, an allegation the Russian government no...

CIA spymaster Jack Devine

Ex-CIA Operations Chief on Venezuela: ‘Not Over Anytime Soon’

“This is a sustained effort,’ Devine said. “I don’t think its over anytime soon.” The former chief of the CIA’s worldwide operations, Jack Devine, told Bloomberg  says U.S. intervention to oust Nicholas Maduro is a “proxy war with Russia” that will last a long time. By “this” Devine means the Trump administration’s “regime change” policy. See “CIA...


MI6 Spy Chief to Stay Through Brexit

It is a measure of how the Brexit had destabilized Great Britain that the government feels it necessary to keep its top spy, MI6 chief Alex Younger, in his position longer than usual, just to deal with the consequences. Younger, 55, is due to retire in November after five years in the role. But officials...

Konstantin Kilimnik

Former GRU Translator at ‘Heart’ of Mueller’s Russia Inquiry 

The Trump-Russia investigation is zeroing in on Konstantin Kilimnik, a translator trained by Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) and associate of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. According to a heavily redacted, transcript of a closed door court hearing a senior attorney working for Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller III, said Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kilimnik...