Category: Europe

Prince William

Why Prince William Studies at MI6

The royal heir known as the Duke of Cambridge has been spending time at MI6, the British intelligence service. This has mutual benefits. Prince William comes off as a more substantive character than merely as Kate Middleton’s soul mate, which is how he is often depicted.  The Secret Intelligence Service, under investigation for torture, also...

Christopher Steele

Christopher Steele, Student Radical

Diana West, hard-right scribe for the anti-communist Epoch Times, unearths some details about Christopher Steele, author of the famous Steele Dossier, which alleged Russian government agents had targeted candidate Donald Trump to get influence over him. There’s a whole debate about whether the Steele Dossier has been partially confirmed (Lawfare blog) or whether some of...

Trump Twitter

Trump Says U.S., China and Russia Spend Too Much on Arms (He’s Right)

When President Trump makes comments that are sensible, even to his critics, social media tends to pay little attention. Commentary that crosses tribal lines does not fuel the engine of binary conflict that drives social media engagement. Trump’s critics don’t want to give him credit and his supporters hate his critics, so they don’t want...

Free Joseon Logo

Spanish Judge Seeking Ringleader of North Korea Embassy Attack, Believed to Be in U.S.

The February 22 attack on the North Korean embassy in Madrid is turning into an international incident involving the CIA, FBI, and a Spanish judge who has issued international arrest warrants for the ringleaders who are believed to be in the United States. In the attack, a group of ten men broke into the embassy,...


Who Should I Believe on Trump-Russia?

People are asking me, “Who should I believe?” In the furious debate that has followed Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report, the many consumers of left-liberal (and NeverTrump right) opinion have to choose who is more credible: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey? Or David Corn, Marcy...