Category: Europe

Jeremy Corbyn

British Intelligence Doesn’t Like Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn

This report comes from the Daily Mail Online, the hugely popular, and factually challenged, British tabloid. The allegation that Corbyn would betray his country to its enemies is speculative at best, a smear at worst. But the story does accurately reflect the apprehension that the British intelligence services feel about Corbyn’s possible ascension to power...


Ukraine: A Short History of U.S. Meddling

Some inconvenient truths in this post from Yasha Levine, author of Surveillance Valley, a history of Pentagon-Silicon Valley collaboration. From Paul Manafort, President Trump’s campaign manager, to Tad Devine, Bernie Sanders’s 2016 strategist to Hunter Biden, son of the Democratic candidate, feeding at the Ukraine trough has been the norm. Levine is not making excuses...

Twitter Logo

Twitter Executive Is Also a British Army ‘Psy-Ops’ Soldier

Here’s a telling story about the common culture of secret intelligence services and high-tech platforms. A Twitter executive responsible for social media giant’s international operations is a reservist in a British military brigade engaged in “psy-ops,” otherwise known as “information warfare.” Gordon MacMillan, who joined the social media company’s UK office six years ago, has...

Joe Biden

Biden Pressed Corruption Probe While His Son Cashed In

President Trump wants Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden for “corruption” because he served on the board of directors of a Ukraine energy firm secretly controlled by the country’s energy minister. Trump has not alleged any specific wrongdoing by either of the Bidens. But he has latched on Hunter Biden’s unseemly financial relationship with a corrupt...

Benjamin Netanyahu

Axis of Trump: Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia Campaign for the President

After the Israeli government’s decision to bar Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from visiting Israel and Palestine, the 2020 Democratic presidential contenders rallied around the two congresswomen, and the Israeli government did not favor to its supporters in the party. With a blatant show of support for President Trump’s strategy of racial polarization, Israeli...