Category: Europe


The Five Eyes Block the Huawei Challenge

[Inside the Five Eyes: a series: Part 1 |Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 is below]. Once unknown, the Five Eyes is now coming into public view as supra-national surveillance service. The Five Eyes track terrorists and smugglers. They coordinate drone strikes and disaster response. They have the ability to...

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Susan Rice is Wrong. Russian Disinformation Is Not a Factor

Those predictable voices–I’m think of former national security adviser Susan Rice- that blame Russia or claim “foreign actors” are a factor in the division of America are just plain wrong. “The scale and scope of domestic disinformation—created by Americans and targeting Americans—is far greater than anything a foreign adversary could possibly do to us. The...

Kent Harrington CIA

‘Influence’ Shows Why if You’re Not Worried About the November Election, You Should Be 

A Canadian documentary, Influence, profiles the late Tim Bell, a state of the art political consultant, in the United Kingdom. His firm, Bell Pottinger, had a long history of advocacy for authoritarian clients from Syria’s Bashar Assad to South Africa’s Jacob Zuma. He was, in a phrase, a disinformation artist. Like Frank FIgliuzzi, Kent Harrington,...

Dmitry Badin

Who Is Dmitry Badin, the GRU Hacker Indicted By Germany For Hacking the Bundestag? 

From Bellingcat, a deep dive on a GRU hacker, involved in multiple hacking operations. The story underscores and illuminates the fact the GRU is involved in operations against the German parliament, the Bundestag, as well as international organizations such as The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the World Anti-Doping Agency. It is...

Turkish intelligence

Türkiye’nin: Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT)

From Top World IntelligenceAgencies In English: (En İyi Dünya İstihbarat Kurumlarından) Modern Türkiye’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ülkenin istihbarat servisini 1925 yılında kurdu. 1985 yılında kurumun adı Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT) olarak değiştirildi ve teşkilat yapılanmasında Başbakanın yetkisinin altına alındı. Türkiye’nin, sınırları içerisinde Kürt azınlıkla olan mücadelesi genellikle uluslararası istihbarat topluluğundaki müttefiklerini ve düşmanlarını belirler. MİT 1950’li...