Category: Europe

Greek demonstration

The CIA-Sponsored Coup in Greece Still Inspires Protest 53 Years Later

In April 1967, a group of Greek colonel closely associated with the CIA, staged a military coup. They deposed an elected left-wing government and crushed all opposition in the country. The dictatorship supported by the U.S. government, lasted seven years. In 1973 a student uprising discredited the coup-makers and eventually lead to democratic transition. Greece...

MI6 Vauxhall

Cyberwar Pits Coders of MI6 against Huawei

The West’s war on Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant, continues. The West v. Huawei is a war on two fronts It is a struggle about intelligence war–who will control the flow of information?–and it is an economic war–whose companies will dominate global markets? It’s cyber-econo war. President Trump’s actions, supported by the U.S. intelligence community,...

Joe Biden (Credit - Creative Commons)

How Top World Intelligence Agencies Assess the U.S. Presidential Election

[The Series: Spies on Election 2020: RUSSIA | ISRAEL | SOUTH KOREA] IRAN | How do the world’s spy services understand  America’s presidential election? Friend or foe, all of these intelligence agencies have a big stake in the outcome of the race between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The DEEP STATES web...

John Ratcliffe ODNI

Here’s the Truth about the Recent Latest Cyberattacks Targeting the US Election 

  The Stanford Internet Observatory corroborates the reporting on this site about the role of Russian and Iranian intelligence agencies in the U..S. president election. As intelligence analyst Maysam Behravesh wrote on this blog, the reports blaming Iran for a Proud Boy threats against Democrats were hasty and unfounded, while Russian efforts have been abetted...

Russia Hackers Wanted

Russian Intelligence Agencies Target the U.S. Vote, Abetted By Trump

[First in a Series: How Top World Intelligence Agencies Assess the US Election] Russian intelligence agencies – encouraged by the absence of any real U.S. pushback – are actively promoting disinformation about the U.S. presidential election, while seeking to hack into election systems, according to former CIA officers with Russian expertise and a wide variety...