Category: Asia


Afghanistan ‘Intelligence Failure’ Debate Begins as Taliban Take Kabul

Michael Morell, the former acting and deputy director of the CIA, dismissed Engel’s point of view, arguing that policy is to blame.”What is happening in Afghanistan is not the result of an intelligence failure. It is the result of numerous policy failures by multiple administrations. Of all the players over the years, the Intelligence Community...

Why the Covid-19 ‘Lab Leak Theory” Needs Another Look 

Why the Covid-19 ‘Lab Leak Theory” Needs Another Look 

Sometimes the problems facing intelligence agencies–and those who report on them–seem insoluble. For example, what caused U.S. diplomatic official to experience a host of strange symptoms after being posted in Havana? Science does not yet offer definitive answers about the “Havana Syndrome.” Are the symptoms caused by a “directed energy attack,” mounted by a foreign...

Five Eyes

The Five Eyes: The Global Spy Network You Never Heard Of

[Inside the Five Eyes: a Five Part Series: Part 1 [below] | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 ] The Netflix thriller series, “Pine Gap” takes place on a sprawling, top-secret signals intelligence facility in the Australian Outback. On the screen, Pine Gap is depicted as a cockpit of drone...

Samant Goel, R&AW chief

भारत की अनुसंधान और विश्लेषण विंग (रॉ)

परिचय अनुसंधान और विश्लेषण विंग (रॉ) खुफिया जानकारी जुटाने, प्रतिवाद, आतंकवाद का मुकाबला करने, परमाणु सुरक्षा और नीति निर्माताओं को सलाह देने के लिए जिम्मेदार है। जब 1968, में स्थापित रॉ ने सज्जन पेशेवरों को तैनात किया जिन्होंने कश्मीर से सिक्किम तक अद्भुत सफलताएं हासिल की, संगठन की असाधारण विफलताएं भी हुई हैं, जिसमें एक...