This Foreign Policy piece, “Venezuela is Armed to the Hilt,” written by two analysts from the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, is based on the dubious premise that the Venezuelan armed forces are falling apart. The Trump administration and opposition leader Juan Guaido believed that key senior officers would abandon the government. They didn’t. Without significant...
Inside the Discord Leak: U.S. Air Force Loves War Gamers Like Teixeira
British Intelligence Privately Says Israel Has Nuclear Weapons But Won’t Admit it Publicly
Mexican President Accuses Pentagon of Spying, Vows to Restrict Military Information
Daniel Ellsberg Week Honors Pentagon Whistleblower
How Twitter Became a Propaganda Tool of U.S. Central Command
Interview With the Father of a Palestinian Fighter Assassinated by Israeli Special Forces
Chinese Police Station in New York Is Part of a Vast Influence Operation
Catch-22 at Guantanamo, or How Due Process Got Undone
Wagner Group Leader Calls for End to Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’
Once Ridiculed, the ‘October Surprise’ Deal Between Reagan and Iran Is Now Confirmed
Two Senators Allege ‘Secret’ CIA spying on Unwitting Americans
UK Spy Agency Says AI Chatbots Pose a Security Threat
How Aerial Surveillance Has Evolved Over the Past 200 Years
Wagner Mercenary Chief Says He Ran Russian Information War
Iranians Outraged After Shah-Era Secret-Police Official Attends U.S. Rally
Israeli-led Disinformation Team Meddled in Dozens of Elections
Director of National Intelligence Barred From Reporting on Domestic Extremists in U.S. Armed Forces
Iranian Intelligence Official Says China in Line to Buy Tehran’s Drones
Former Mossad Chief Urges Compromise on Judicial Shakeup
Standoff Continues at the Venezuelan Embassy in DC
The ordeal of Venezuela erupted on the streets of Washington Wednesday as supporters of embattled President Nicholas Maduro and struggling would-be president Juan Guaido faced off noisily but peacefully at the country’s embassy in the upscale Georgetown neighborhood. With two dozen American supporters of Maduro holed up in the Embassy, a a slightly larger crowd...
U.S. ‘Regime Change’ Policy Falters in Caracas and Washington
It’s May Day in Venezuala in every sense of the word. May Day, May 1, is the holiday created to celebrate the international working class, and “Mayday” is the international radio distress signal. Venezuela is in distress. Yesterday opposition leader Juan Guaidó called on the Venezuelan armed forces to abandon the government of Nicholas Maduro–which...
Elliot Abrams vs. Code Pink: Showdown at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington
In response to a round-the-clock sit-in the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, President Trump’s special envoy Elliot Abrams said on Thursday the activists are “clearly breaking the law.” The protesters say they were invited to stay by the government of President Nicholas Maduro, which the Trump administration is seeking to oust. The U.S. and about 50...
‘Regime Change’ Video: Call of Duty Invades Venezuela
The U.S. intervention in Venezuela is floundering. In February, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was saying the Venezuelan armed forces should see that President Nicholas Maduro’s “time is up” and “change should be at hand.” The hoped-for defections from the Venezuelan military did not happen. Now the administration is still demanding that Maduro leave office,...