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Bolton Twitter

5 Easy Tweets: How Bolton Walked Back Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

President Trump’s plans to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria have been disrupted by his national security adviser John Bolton. After consulting with senior Israeli officials, Bolton announced Sunday that 2,200 U.S. troops will remain in the war zone for longer than the president announced on December 19. “The timetable flows from the policy decisions that...

National Museum of Intelligence

Washington’s Next Spy Museum to Glorify Covert Action

The proposed National Museum of Special Intelligence and Special Operations took a step closer to reality earlier this month with a $10 million contribution from a leading foundation Washington already has one spy museum. Run by former CIA spokesman Peter Earnest, the International Spy Museum presents a glamorized and sanitized portrait of the spy business,...

Maria Butina

The Six Worst Spies of 2018

It was a banner year for bad spies.  The ideal covert operation, a CIA man once said, remains secret “from conception to eternity.” So too with the ideal spy. The true artists of espionage are those who are never detected or are detected too late to be harmed, humiliated, prosecuted or persecuted. The most famous...

Trump at Bush funeral

Abrupt Withdrawals Leave Trump Besieged by the National Security Establishment

The phrase “the deep state” means different things to different people. The Deep State news blog reports on all of them by covering the world’s secret intelligence agencies. On December 19, The Deep State news blog (deepstateblog.org) achieved its fall 2018 fundraising goal of $9,000. Thanks to 44 donors, we have paid off the cost...

Google empty chair

Why Google Stiffed the Senate Intelligence Committee

Does Google thinks it’s too good–too smart–for democracy? When the top three Internet companies were invited to Capitol Hill last month to explain the political impact of their operations, Twitter and Facebook sent their CEOs. Google sent a lawyer. Rather than hear the minion of Mountain View, the Congress chose to leave Google’s chair empty. ...