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RAW Raazi

Inside R&AW’s Covert Operations

India’s secret intelligence service, known as the Research & Analysis Wing (R&AW) is less well-known than the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), India’s premier investigative agency. But R&AW is gaining a great public profile. Like CIA and Mossad, it’s espionage exploits are depicted in a premium cable show. With Prime Minister Naendra Modi’s more aggressive stance toward...

Turkish intelligence

Türkiye’nin: Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT)

From Top World IntelligenceAgencies In English: (En İyi Dünya İstihbarat Kurumlarından) Modern Türkiye’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ülkenin istihbarat servisini 1925 yılında kurdu. 1985 yılında kurumun adı Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT) olarak değiştirildi ve teşkilat yapılanmasında Başbakanın yetkisinin altına alındı. Türkiye’nin, sınırları içerisinde Kürt azınlıkla olan mücadelesi genellikle uluslararası istihbarat topluluğundaki müttefiklerini ve düşmanlarını belirler. MİT 1950’li...


Venezuela: Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN) (En Español)

De las principales agencias de inteligencia mundial Translation En Ingles: Historia de SEBIN Chávez’s legacy El Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional, SEBIN es la máxima agencia de inteligencia en Venezuela.  La misión declarada de SEBIN es “contribuir a la seguridad general, la defensa y el desarrollo de la nación como un elemento fundamental del sistema nacional de inteligencia y...


Does Trump’s Purge of the Intelligence Community Make Us Less Safe?

Last month, Trump replaced the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) with the lightly-qualified Stephen Grenell, former ambassodr to Germany. Grenell proceeded to fire the head of the DNI’s counterterrorism center. This prompted some wailing from the national security establishment and predictable praise for Loras Shiao, the career official whom Grennell chose to replace Travers. Top...

NSA logo 美国:国家安全局

$100 Million NSA Program Produced Exactly Two Unique Leads 

Mass surveillance, whether you approve of it morally, is not practical. It does not enhance the safety of the American people. The results are in: only twice during that four-year period did the program generate unique information that the F.B.I. did not already possess, said the study, which was produced by the Privacy and Civil...