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Haspel and Bolton Diverged Over Khashoggi Evidence

President Trump is trying save the U.S.-Saudi alliance (and his administration’s campaign against Iran) from the  notoriety of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.  Who’s he going to listen to? Washington Post reports CIA director Gina Haspel has told Trump U.S. intelligence has concluded MbS ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  Bolton told Trump the...

Cyberwar graphic

Yes, Russia Tried to Influence the 2018 Midterm Elections

The early returns are in, and the experts are divided. The Wall Street Journal reports that “U.S. officials said they hadn’t observed any significant efforts to directly breach election infrastructure with cyberattacks.” Facebook said otherwise, according to the New York Times. “Just hours after most of the polls had closed, Facebook said it had blocked more than 100...


Pentagon Prepared to Retaliate Against Russia for Election Cyber Attacks

From the reliable Center for Public Integrity: The existence of such a plan means that America is more fully integrating offensive cyber attacks into its overall military planning systems, a move likely to make cyber combat more likely and eventually more commonplace, sometimes without first gaining specific presidential approval. Cyber attacks are now on a...