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Art of War

The Ancient History of Espionage

British intelligence historian Christopher Andrew via The National Interest, the first books to argue that intelligence should have a central role in war and peace were written not in classical Greece or Rome but in ancient China and the Indian subcontinent: The Art of War (Sunzi bingfa), traditionally ascribed to Confucius’s contemporary, the Chinese general...


Spooks for Hire: How Mossad Seeds the Global Private Intelligence Industry

The privatization of secret intelligence is happening all over the world. It’s like the privatization of everything else: a function of government is farmed out to corporations.. And it’s something of a menace to social movements Just as the job of army–to guard, shoot, and kill– is turned over to mercenaries, now known in corporate-speak...

Bellingcat Logo

Third Suspect in Skripal Poisoning Identified by Bellingcat

The crowd-sourced investigative site Bellingcat has identified a third suspect in the poisoning of Sergey Skripal, the reneged Russian intelligence officer. The report is credible because Bellingcat and collaborators in the independent Russian media broke the the story that two GRU officers were involved in the poisoning of Skirpal, an allegation the Russian government no...

Ewen Cameron

Scottish Doctor Became the ‘Godfather of Modern Torture’ Working in Secret Wing Funded by CIA

Cameron is one of the godfathers of modern torture, whose work has been utilised in places like Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Northern Ireland, the Philippines and Chile, to name just a few. In the 1950s, Cameron, who was working in the United States and Canada, was funded by the CIA to develop and research sensory deprivation...