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MI6 Vauxhall

Cyberwar Pits Coders of MI6 against Huawei

The West’s war on Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant, continues. The West v. Huawei is a war on two fronts It is a struggle about intelligence war–who will control the flow of information?–and it is an economic war–whose companies will dominate global markets? It’s cyber-econo war. President Trump’s actions, supported by the U.S. intelligence community,...

12 Steps to Controlling the U.S. Surveillance State

12 Steps to Controlling the U.S. Surveillance State

(Image Credit; Just Security) A team of writers at the Just Security blog, have a 12-step program for reining in the U.S. surveillance system that has expanded relentlessly beyond the control of Congress and the people. Whether President-elect Biden and his national security team will be interested is another question. The Biden intelligence transition team...

Social Media graf

Misinformation 2020 Was Made-in-USA; Russia’s Role Was Tiny

  Just how polluted is the news environment during the 2020 presidential election ? A new study, reporting in DefenseOne, a news platform for the military industrial complex, concludes: Very. The study, by Zignal Labs, is careful to distinguish disinformation–deliberate deceptions–from misinformation–erroneous statements. These falsehoods were consumed by audiences across the country, but unevenly, especially...


Mock Crucifixion Outside FSB Headquarters For Russia’s Political Prisoners 

На Лубянке сейчас так pic.twitter.com/mHqAeEYte6 — Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) November 5, 2020 Last June Anastasia Shevchenko became the first person to be criminally charged under the law on “undesirable organizations” that came into force in May 2015, according to Amnesty International. The law gives the government the power to ban activities of foreign or international...

Israeli Flag

Israel’s Secret Nuclear Program: Why CIA Intelligence Failed So Badly

  From the National Security Archive, a deep dive on a sensitive geopolitical issue that is rarely raised in Washington: how Israel became the first and only nuclear power in the Middle East. While the events in question happened some 50 years ago, they reverberate today. The United States and Israel, as nuclear powers, have...