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Rumsfeld in Afghanistan

From the National Security Archive, the 20-Year War in 20 Documents 

The non-profit National Security Archive at George Washington University is the place to go to understand the debacle of Afghanistan. The Archive provides original sources. not opinion. In Afghanistan 20/20: The 20-Year War in 20 Documents, the Archive enables you to go beyond recycled punditry The documents detail ongoing problems that bedeviled the American war...

Skyfall Missle Site Russia

The New Russian Cruise Missile Known as the ‘Flying Chernobyl’

  They call it to call it a “flying Chernobyl. It is a Russian cruise missile, known as Skyfall, that is powered, not by rocket fuel, but by a nuclear reactor. The world is paying attention to this proliferation threat. “Using a nuclear reactor would, in principle, give the cruise missile unlimited range to fly...

BIden Afghanistan

Afghanistan:  A Failure of U.S. Regime Change Policy

  Let the buck passing begin. The military people say Aghanistan was an intelligence failure. The intelligence community says it was a policy failure. They are both right. Above all, it was a failure of U.S. “regime change” policy that arrogates to the United States the “right” to replace adversarial governments. “There is an old...


Afghanistan ‘Intelligence Failure’ Debate Begins as Taliban Take Kabul

Michael Morell, the former acting and deputy director of the CIA, dismissed Engel’s point of view, arguing that policy is to blame.”What is happening in Afghanistan is not the result of an intelligence failure. It is the result of numerous policy failures by multiple administrations. Of all the players over the years, the Intelligence Community...