Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Roger Stone

Indictment Reveals How the Trump-Wikileaks Backchannel Worked

The indictment of Roger Stone, confidante of President Trump, has got Wikileaks worried. Julian Assange should be concerned too. The indictment, handed down by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and a Washington DC grand jury, makes Wikileaks look bad. In August 2016, the organization denied it had any “direct” connection to Stone, an answer that now...

Matthew Hedges,

Matthew Hedges: The UAE Held Me as a Spy and ‘I Was Among the Lucky Ones

Matthew Hedges, British graduate student detained by the United Arab Emirates for seven months, has published an account of his ordeal. It speaks to the reality of the U.S. intelligence partners in the Middle East. They’re a tyrannical, torturing bunch. Hedges was arrested when he arrived at the Dubai airport on trip to do research...

National Security Archive

DNC Alleges Russia’s GRU Tried To Hack the Party After 2018 Election 

Russian hacking wasn’t limited to the 2016 election, says the Democratic National Committee. In updating their lawsuit against the alleged hackers, the DNC says Russians tried a spearfishing attack late last year. From the non-profit National Security Archive. On January 17, 2019, the Democratic National Committee filed an amendment to their original lawsuit against the Russian...

Engle HFAC

Pro-War Engel Take Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee

I paused over describing Rep. Eliot Engel, the new chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee as “pro-war.” Was it fair. As I studied his record, I realized the epithet was not inaccurate, indeed. “pro-war” captures something essential about Engle’s policy positions. Engel not only favored launching the most disastrously failed war in American history–Iraq...