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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Bill Barr

Barr and Bolton Undermined Congressional Oversight of CIA

The past is prologue to the Trump administration. Thirty years ago, National Security Adviser John Bolton and Attorney General Nominee William Barr were fighting congressional oversight of the CIA. As legal advisers to President Reagan, they insisted that the president did not need to disclose all covert operations to Congress, that Congress’s power of the...

Bolton Twitter

Iran Regime Change 101: Build Exile Front Groups

With the Trump administration pursuing “regime change” operations in Venezuela and Iran, understanding the nature and history of such operations is essential. One common denominator, from Cuba in the early 1960s to Iraq in 2002, is creating front groups of exiles to create the appearance of legitimacy. In the excellent LobeLog, Muhammad Sahimi, a professor at...

Twitter Logo

Targeting Russia’s IRA, Twitter Closes More Accounts

U.S. intelligence agencies are not the only ones who say Russian influence operations against the United States continue. On January 31, Twitter extended its purge of “potential information operations”  by announcing the deletion of 418 Russian accounts 2,617 Iranian accounts 1,196 Venezuelan accounts Twitter’s actions are a snapshot of the information warfare battlefield. From Russia,...

Airstrike in Yemen

Bellingcat Aims to Document Yemen Airstrikes

To end secret wars, you have to start with ending secrecy. A shroud of official secrecy has long enabled the Saudi coalition’s criminal war in Yemen, which has killed thousands of civilians and deliberately starved millions. It has enabled the coalition to avoid compensating the U.S. government for $331 million in refueling costs. The gratis...

Tulsi Gabbard

NBC News’ Attack on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Relies on Firm Caught Fabricating Russia Data 

Hawaii Congresswoman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s critique of U.S. foreign policy is so threatening to the custodians of conventional wisdom that the NBC News abandoned to basic journalistic practice to smear her as a tool of Russia. In The Intercept Glenn Greenwald demolishes the NBC News report purporting to show that Gabbard, a 2020 Democratic presidential...