Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

China Cabls

Xinjiang Data Project Documents China’s High Tech Social Controls

Drawing on open source data including satellite imagery, Chinese government documents, official statistics and a range of authoritative reports and academic studies, the Xinjiang Data Project documents the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing program of human rights abuses and tech-enhanced authoritarianism in Xinjiang, and explores its global implications. This is a case study in repressive technology,...

James Clapper

The Spies Who Predicted COVID-19 

Former CIA spokesman Kent Harrington runs down the history of warnings from the intelligence community about pandemics. There were quite a few. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama paid attention. The intelligence community first raised the alert immediately after President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, when then-DNI Dennis Blair testified that, “The most pressing...

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Peace Data and Prigozhin’s Service to Putin

Some journalists on the left like Aaron Mate and Dan Lazare tell me that the charges of Russian interference in U.S. politics are a “hoax” or “don’t really matter.” While I share their opposition to a new Cold War with Russia,  that does not require averting one’s eyes from the record of Yevgeny Prigozhin, international...

Kevin Zeese

RIP: Kevin Zeese, Upbeat Progressive Activist

I was saddened to read in CounterPunch.org that Kevin Zeese had passed. Kevin was a constant, energetic presence in Washington DC area politics at the local, state and national levels. What I liked most about him was his hearty laugh, his spontaneous enthusiasm for radical politics and his genuine tolerance for differences of opinion. We...