Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Generic War Photo

Withdrawal Symptoms: Is the U.S. Leaving Syria or Not?

President Trump’s decision to leave Syria prompted the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis and a continuing rear-guard bureaucratic action to limit or reverse the president’s decision. First, there was the report that 400 troops would stay. Then there was the report that the U.S. would stay in the eastern Syria border town of El-Tanf...

Robert Mueller

Russian Hacker Indicted by Mueller Denies All in Curious BBC Interview

Sergey Polozov, a 31-year-old Web designer, is one of 13 Russians indicted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller in Feb. 2018, for fraudulent activities related to U.S. accounts. In a new interview with BBC Russia, Polozov dismissed the charges, saying his work for the Internet Research Association “was never in English and never had any apparent...

Robert Kagan

What Robert Kagan Doesn’t Know About the Democrats

In recent speeches, presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have laid out distinct visions for a new U.S. foreign policy. Both Sanders and Warren argue, in different ways, that the spread of populist authoritarians around the world can be traced to an entrenched global economic order that betrays the interests of ordinary people everywhere....

Benjamin Netanyahu

Did Iran Hack Israel’s Election? Or Did Netanyahu Hack His Rival?

Iranian hackers, suspected of penetrating the phone of Benny Gantz, former Israeli general running for prime minister, have thrown Israeli politics into turmoil. Or maybe Iranian hackers had nothing to do with it. The story broke last week on Israeli television and was picked up by Haaretz.com Lurid rumors regarding what was on the phone...