Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Citizen Lab

Mexican Cartels Use Israeli Spyware to Target Journalists, Investigators Say

From Citizen Lab, and interdisciplinary investigators from the University of Toronto: On May 15th, 2017, journalist Javier Valdez was shot dead as he left the offices of Riodoce, the newspaper that he founded to investigate cartels and organized crime in Sinaloa, Mexico. His killers pulled him from his car, shot him a dozen times, and stole...

Intelligence budget

Black Budget for Military Intelligence Grows for 5th Straight Year

The Pentagon has requested nearly $23 billion for the Military Intelligence Program in fiscal year 2020. Besides the overall spending figure, the rest of the budget is secret. In general, it will support U.S. military intervention in Africa, Middle East, Latin American, and Asia. A 2016 Congressional Research Service report says the MIP represents “defense intelligence activities...

Jefferson Morley, editor

‘I trust your work and writing because it is mature’

A note from a FB friend: In my estimation, you are thorough investigative reporter. A great writer for sure. The stories you investigate are the most complex of any, fraught with deliberate deception, obfuscations, and god knows what all. I trust your work and writing because it is mature and, to the best of your...