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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

David Corn

David Corn v. Glenn Greenwald on the Real Trump-Russia Hoax 

People are asking me, “Who should I believe?” In the furious debate that has followed Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report, consumers of left-liberal (and NeverTrump right) opinion have to choose who is more credible: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey? Or David Corn, Marcy Wheeler, and...


U.S. Declares Grindr a National Security Risk

The gay dating app has been purchased by a Chinese company. U.S. officials are concerned that China’s powerful Ministry of State Security may exploit Grindr data for its own purposes. U.S. officials have been increasingly wary of Chinese-owned companies handling extensive amounts of personal data for Americans, especially if military or government personnel might use...

Counterpunch Logo

Why the Mueller Investigation Was Good for the Country

Counterpunch’s Stuart Newman gets it right: Of course, some liberal pundits overplayed the Russophobic side the investigation. But so did the anti-“Russiagate” critics, who took glee in pointing out the lack of connection of each new criminal disclosure to election stealing. It was hard to determine whether they thought Trump was above entering into criminally...